SPort2be Logo
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"From sports to a job"


Sport2Be ?

420.000 youngsters live below the poverty line in Belgium.

Sport2Be wants to restore equal opportunities and allow young people in difficulty to further develop themselves. We want to act as a springboard by accompanying them, in their education, their orientation and their beginning into active life.

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do we act ?

Sport as a driving force.

Through sports, Sport2Be promotes social and professional integration for young people in difficulty. We want to guide them on the path of employment, guarantee their social integration.

Discover our activities


do we offer ?

A two-stage action.

Free weekly mixed and supervised sports activities for young people aged 6 to 20, combined with a program dedicated to support those aged 16 and over towards their first professional experience.

Discover Job2Be


Are We ?

People from all walks of life.

Women, men, athletes, administrators, sports & social coaches, volunteers, value partners, ambassadors, pragmatic dreamers…

Meet the team


to help ?

Join us in caring.

Whether you offer us your time, your skills or financial support, Sport2Be needs passionate and generous people to be able to act effectively.

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Registrations open soon!

Registrations open soon!

Dear members,

We're working hard to prepare for the coming season, so that we can once again offer you plenty of sport, sharing moments and learnings. Just a little more patience: registrations for the new season open on Monday August 19th! In the meantime, make the most of the sunshine :)

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Sport2Be - Newsletter